H Khezerlou , M Akbari , H Jadidi , B Sinai ,
Volume 21, Issue 2 (5-2019)
Background & objectives: Regarding the prevalence of psychological problems in cancer patients, some reports have shown the effectiveness of self-efficacy model to be superior to previous conventional psychological therapies for increasing the well-being of cancer patients. The aim of this study was to evaluate a self-efficacy education model on quality of life in patients with cancer at Urmia Omid hospital.
Methods: This was an experimental study with pre and post-test design and control group. The sample included 40 patients with cancer in Omid Hospital, 2018. At first, quality of life test was performed on 250 patients with cancer, and among them 40 patients with poor quality of life were selected. Of these 40 patients, 20 subjects were assigned in each experimental or control group by random assignment. Intervention based on pain self-efficacy was performed in 10 sessions of 90 minutes, one session per week. After the end of sessions, the quality of life test was repeated for two groups. Data were analyzed in SPSS software version 21 using multivariate analysis of covariance.
Results: Data analysis showed that there was a significant difference between the mean scores of post-test in the experimental and control groups (p<0.01), so that the self-efficacy training improved the performance components of quality of life (physical, role, emotional, cognitive and Social) in experimental group (p<0.01).
Conclusion: Considering the positive effect of pain self-efficacy training, the use of these capacities and training in planning the mental health interventions is recommended, especially for cancer patients,.