Volume 22, Issue 3 (Autumn 2020)                   JHC 2020, 22(3): 224-235 | Back to browse issues page

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Sepasi N, Narimani M, Mousazadeh T, Taklavi S. The Effectiveness of Spirituality Therapy in Improving the Symptoms of Internet Addiction and Promoting the Life Quality of Students. JHC 2020; 22 (3) :224-235
URL: http://hcjournal.arums.ac.ir/article-1-1209-en.html
Department of Psychology, Ardabil Branch, Islamic Azad University, Ardabil, Iran
Abstract:   (2163 Views)
Background & aim: Spirituality therapy means using the religious and cultural beliefs of individuals in the process of psychotherapy and considering the transcendent dimension of the clients that leads them to the transcendent source. The present study was conducted to compare the effect of spirituality therapy in improving the symptoms of internet addiction and quality of life among students.
Methods: This study was a quasi-experimental study (multi-group with pretest-posttest). The statistical population of the study included all students with internet addiction, studying in the faculties of Ardabil University of Medical Sciences in academic year of 1997-98. Samples were selected by available sampling (30 people) and assigned to experimental and control groups. Data were collected from groups using Internet Addiction and Quality of Life Scale in pre-test and post-test and analyzed by covariance statistical method in SPSS-21 software.
Results: The results of one-way analysis of covariance (ANKOVA) showed that there was a significant difference between internet addiction and quality of life between pre-test and post-test (p<0.001). Mankova analysis (with control of pre-test scores) showed that the spirituality therapy program was significant on variable means of quality of life and internet addiction.
Conclusion: Based on the results, it seems that spiritualty therapy is significantly effective in reducing the symptoms of internet addiction and increasing the quality of life in students. Therefore, it is suggested that psychotherapists use this treatment throughout the country to increase resilience and consequently, to control the symptoms of internet addiction and improve the quality of life of clients.
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Type of Study: article | Subject: Psychiatric Nursing
Received: 2020/08/5 | Accepted: 2020/09/19 | Published: 2020/11/30

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