Volume 19, Issue 1 (spring 2017)                   JHC 2017, 19(1): 50-61 | Back to browse issues page

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Abbasi M, Darghahi S, Rahmati M, Mohammadi M, Pirani Z. The effects of Workaholism and Perfectionism on Marital Stress and Social Skills in Nurses. JHC 2017; 19 (1) :50-61
URL: http://hcjournal.arums.ac.ir/article-1-704-en.html
Department of Psychology, Faculty of Literature and Human Sciences, Islamic Azad University branch Arak, Iran
Abstract:   (3962 Views)
Background & objectives: nurses, because of their nature of their profession continuosly face with many issues. The aim of this study was to examine the effects of work addiction and perfectionism on marital stress and social skills of nurses. 

Methods: This study was descriptive and correlational. The study population included of all nurses in the city of Arak. To select the sample, multistage cluster samplingwere used and included 220 nurses as subject. To collect data, Matson Social Skills(1983), Robinson’swork addictionquestionnaire (1999), Stockholm-Tehran Persian version of Gomer and colleagues Marital Stress Scale questionnaire (2000) and Multidimensional Perfectionism Scale hoyt and Felt (1991)were used. Data were analyzed using descriptive statistical and Pearson’s correlation and multiple regression by SPSS-19.

Results: Results showed that There were significant negative relationships between the self-oriented perfectionism, other-oriented perfectionism, general perfectionism, obsessive desire to work, control, self-worth and general work addiction with social skills of nurses (p<0.01). In contrast, there were no significant relationship between community-oriented perfectionism, the destruction of relationships and weakness in to undertake their roles with social skills. On the other hand, there is positive and significant relationship the obsessive desire to work, control, self-worth, generalwork addiction, self-oriented perfectionism (p<0.05) and general perfectionism (p<0.01) with marital stress.

Conclusion: In general, it can be concluded that extreme perfectionism by raising irrational ideals and work addictionwith one-dimensional activities nurses may reduce social and interpersonal skills which finally can lead to marital stress.

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Type of Study: correlation design |
Received: 2016/11/11 | Accepted: 2017/02/1 | Published: 2017/04/3

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