Volume 13, Issue 2 (7-2011)                   JHC 2011, 13(2): 0-0 | Back to browse issues page

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Hosseini F S, Hossein zadeh R. Effect of physical activity on physical and mental health in elderly men. JHC 2011; 13 (2)
URL: http://hcjournal.arums.ac.ir/article-1-88-en.html
Abstract:   (10648 Views)


Background: Sport and physical exercise are very important factors in people’s health promotion. So, studying about elderly men exercise is very necessary and important. Purpose of this study is to determine the effects of physical activity on the physical and mental health of elderly men in Ardabil.

Methods: This study is an Ex-post Facto research done in 2010. In this study, 100 eligible elderly above 60 from Ardabil Retirement Organization volunteered for this study and were divided into two active and inactive groups based on subjects’ physical activity. Data collection tools were demographic information questionnaire and Ware’s Physical and Mental Questionnaire  including multiple choice questions which measured the level of elderly mental and physical health to a meaningful level less than p<0/01. To analyze the data Pearson Correlation Coefficient and T- Test were used.

Results: The results show physical health of active participants is significantly better than inactive groups (active: M= 47.32, inactive M=26.72) and the mental health of active participants is significantly better than inactive groups (active: M=47.05, inactive M=31.05). Also the mental and physical health of beginner participants is significantly better than inactive (M=41.48 M=42.88). The correlation of mental and physical health with physical activity is significant (P<0/01).

Conclusions: regarding the results taking part in regular physical activity program could increase the range of mental and physical health in elderly. The researchers suggest health authorities to provide programs and facilities for promotion of elderly physical activity.

Key words: Elderly- Physical Activity- Mental Health- Physical Health

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Type of Study: article | Subject: nursing
Received: 2014/05/23 | Accepted: 2014/05/23 | Published: 2014/05/23

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