Asadzadeh F, Mostafazadeh F, Sadeghi S. A Survey of the Motivation of Nursing Students toward Their Field of Study Selection . JHC 2012; 14 (1 and 2) URL:
Introduction: Activelearning, based
onindividual needsrequires a high levelof motivationorinterestintrying which is in line with the purposes ofeducation. The role of motivation in learning
isso high that seems tomattermorethanIQ, but notall
thestudentsaremotivated with one thing.Motivation is a performance with individual differencesthatsometimes is created in coercionandpressureconditions. This researchhas been doneinthis regard.
Methods: Thisresearchis adescriptive - analytic studyof200nursing students. Data was collected using
aquestionnaire with a total of27questionsthatincluded
15demographicquestionsand 12questionsabout
theintrinsic and extrinsic motivating factors.Of these,147questionnaireswerereturnedto theresearcherand theresultswere
analyzedusingSPSS 11.
Results: Resultsshowedthat53.1% (78 persons) of the students were
femaleand46.9% (69 persons) weremale. 13.6% (20persons) were married, 39.5%
(58persons) were nativeand3.4% (5 persons) were employed.12.5% (18persons) were from acceptancezone 1,
56.5% (83 persons) from Zone 2and31% (46 persons) were from Zone 3.A survey of intrinsic and extrinsic motivating
factors effective in choosing the nursing field showed that  the most interesting factors were health-related
activities (3.90±0.75)andindependentworkplace
was the least interesting (2.52±1.06) .The resultsalsoshowedthat
students entering this filed had more intrinsic
motivation.Marriedstudents’ motivation was significantly more than the single(p <0.05).Also,students whose parents had postgraduate degrees were significantly more motivatedthan otherstudents
(p <0.05).
Conclusion: students’intrinsic motivation  had a better conditionthantheirextrinsic motivation  So given
theimpact ofextrinsic motivation
in learning, additional measures should be added to
the apparent qualities of this field to strengthentheextrinsic motivating factors in choosing this course.Â
words: Motivation, Career selection, Nursing Students