Background & objective: The nasocomial infections has high incidence in intensive care
units, especially in neonatal intensive care units. The
hand of medical staff is an important agent in the transmission of infection.
Therefore hand hygiene is the first step that recommended for decreasing and
controlling the infection. The goal of this study is evaluating the range
of knowledge and attitude of NICU staff about hand hygiene.
Method: In this descriptive-analytical study, 150 staffs were
collected through concensus method from the neonatal intensive care units of
the selected hospitals of Isfahan University of Medical Sciences in 2011. Data
collection tool was a researcher-made questionnaire which was developed in two
parts: demographic information and questions relating to knowledge and attitude
about nosocomial infections The  data were
analyzed using SPSS v.13, by analytical and descriptive statistical test.
Result: Response rate was 93.33 %. General knowledge about hand hygiene behavior was 3.8 gte msEquation 12]>