Volume 25, Issue 1 (Spring 2023)                   JHC 2023, 25(1): 28-40 | Back to browse issues page

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Pooyanmehr J, Zarehneystanak M, Tabatabaei F, Khoshakhlagh H. Effectiveness of Cognitive Behavioral Group Therapy on Self-control and Appearance Schema in Obese Women without Diet Regimen. JHC 2023; 25 (1) :28-40
URL: http://hcjournal.arums.ac.ir/article-1-1432-en.html
Department of Psychology, Naein Branch, Islamic Azad University, Naein, Iran.
Abstract:   (897 Views)
Background & aim: One of the most common psychological problems of obese women is low self-control and appearance schema. Therefore, the present study was conducted with the aim of determining the effectiveness of cognitive behavioral group therapy on self-control and appearance schema in obese women without a di regimen.
Methods: This study is a semi-experimental design of pre-test-post-test and follow-up with a control group. The statistical population of this research included women with a body mass index above 30 who referred to the Noor Nutrition and Obesity Treatment Clinic in the city of Ray in the year 2022. The sample size consisted of 30 people from the mentioned society who were selected by available sampling method and randomly placed in two experimental and control groups. For the experimental group, the cognitive behavioral group therapy was implemented in 8 sessions of 90 minutes during four weeks, while the control group did not receive training. The research tools included the Self-Control Scale (2004) and the Appearance Schema Inventory (2004), which for both groups, once before the intervention (one day before the beginning of the training), once after the intervention (one day after the completion of the training sessions) and were completed once four weeks after the intervention. For the statistical analysis of the obtained data, the analysis of variance test with repeated measurements was used.
Results: The results showed that the cognitive behavioral group therapy had a significant effect on self-control and appearance schema in the post-test and follow-up stages. Based on the results, the cognitive behavioral group therapy has been significantly effective in improving self-control (F=76.551, p<0.01), self-evaluation (F=44.102, p<0.01) and self-motivation (F=43.136, p<0.01) in obese women without a diet.
Conclusion: The results showed that the cognitive behavioral group therapy has significantly improved self-control and appearance schema in the studied subjects, so the use of this intervention is suggested for obese women who do not have a diet regimen.
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Type of Study: article | Subject: Psychiatric Nursing
Received: 2023/01/1 | Accepted: 2023/06/25 | Published: 2023/05/31

1. Paulo HA, Mosha D, Mwanyika-Sando M, Mboya IB, Madzorera I, Killewo J, et al. Role of dietary quality and diversity on overweight and obesity among women of reproductive age in Tanzania. PLoS One. 2022;17(4):1-13.
2. Abaj F, Mirzababaei A, Hosseininasab D, Bahrampour N, Clark CC, Mirzaei K. Interactions between Caveolin-1 polymorphism and Plant-based dietary index on metabolic and inflammatory markers among women with obesity. Scientific Reports. 2022;12(1):1-4.
3. Ali N, Mohanto NC, Nurunnabi SM, Haque T, Islam F. Prevalence and risk factors of general and abdominal obesity and hypertension in rural and urban residents in Bangladesh: a cross-sectional study. BioMed Central Public Health. 2022;22(1):1-4.
4. Ali S, Na R, Waterhouse M, Jordan SJ, Olsen CM, Whiteman DC, et al. Predicting obesity and smoking using medication data: a machine‐learning approach. Pharmacoepidemiology and Drug Safety. 2022;31(1):91-99.
5. Hymel E, Vlock E, Fisher KW, Farazi PA. Differential progression of unhealthy diet-induced hepatocellular carcinoma in obese and non-obese mice. Public Library of Science. 2022;17(8):1-18.
6. Legro RS, Hansen KR, Diamond MP, Steiner AZ, Coutifaris C, Cedars MI, et al. Effects of preconception lifestyle intervention in infertile women with obesity: the FIT-PLESE randomized controlled trial. PLoS Medicine. 2022;19(1):1-13.
7. Lin L, Bai S, Qin K, Wong CK, Wu T, Chen D, et al. Comorbid depression and obesity, and its transition on the risk of functional disability among middle-aged and older Chinese: a cohort study. BioMed Central Geriatrics. 2022;22(1):1-10.
8. Triunfo S, Lanzone A. Impact of overweight and obesity on obstetric outcomes. Journal of Endocrinological Investigation. 2014;37(4):323-29.
9. Maskarinec G, Jacobs S, Park SY, Haiman CA, Setiawan VW, Wilkens LR, et al. Type II diabetes, obesity, and breast cancer risk: the multiethnic cohort diabetes, obesity, and breast cancer. Cancer Epidemiology, Biomarkers & Prevention. 2017;26(6):854-61.
10. Habanova M, Holovicova M, Scepankova H, Lorkova M, Gazo J, Gazarova M, et al. Modulation of lipid profile and lipoprotein subfractions in overweight/obese women at risk of cardiovascular diseases through the consumption of apple/berry juice. Antioxidants. 2022;11(11):1-15.
11. Shiraseb F, Asbaghi O, Bagheri R, Wong A, Figueroa A, Mirzaei K. Effect of l-Arginine supplementation on blood pressure in adults: a systematic review and dose-response meta-analysis of randomized clinical trials. Advances in Nutrition. 2022;13(4):1226-42.
12. Palmer MK, Toth PP. Trends in lipids, obesity, metabolic syndrome, and diabetes mellitus in the United States: an NHANES analysis (2003‐2004 to 2013‐2014). Obesity. 2019;27(2):309-14.
13. Cincione IR, Graziadio C, Marino F, Vetrani C, Losavio F, Savastano S, et al. Short-time effects of ketogenic diet or modestly hypocaloric Mediterranean diet on overweight and obese women with polycystic ovary syndrome. Journal of Endocrinological Investigation. 2022;19:1-9.
14. Brook JS, Zhang C, Brook DW, Finch SJ. Voluntary smoking bans at home and in the car and smoking cessation, obesity, and self-control. Psychological Reports. 2014;114(1):20-31.
15. Duckworth AL, Taxer JL, Eskreis-Winkler L, Galla BM, Gross JJ. Self-control and academic achievement. Annual Review of Psychology. 2019;70(1):373-99.
16. Troll ES, Venz L, Weitzenegger F, Loschelder DD. Working from home during the COVID‐19 crisis: how self‐control strategies elucidate employees' job performance. Applied Psychology. 2022;71(3):853-80.
17. Englert C. The self-regulation of human performance: a critical discussion and future directions for self-control research. Performance Enhancement & Health. 2019;6(3-4):156-57.
18. Vermeiren E, Naets T, Van Eyck A, Vervoort L, Ysebaert M, Baeck N, et al. Improving treatment outcome in children with obesity by an online self-control training: a randomized controlled trial. Frontiers in Pediatrics. 2021;9:1-14
19. Eichen DM, Barch DM, Wilfley DE. Executive function in childhood obesity: promising intervention strategies to optimize treatment outcomes. Appetite. 2018;124:10-23.
20. Eichen DM, Matheson BE, Liang J, Strong DR, Rhee K, Boutelle KN. The relationship between executive functioning and weight loss and maintenance in children and parents participating in family-based treatment for childhood obesity. Behaviour Research and Therapy. 2018;105:10-16.
21. Stutzer A, Meier AN. Limited self‐control, obesity, and the loss of happiness. Health Economics. 2016;25(11):1409-24.
22. Privitera GJ, McGrath HK, Windus BA, Doraiswamy PM. Eat now or later: self-control as an overlapping cognitive mechanism of depression and obesity. PLoS One. 2015;10(3):1-11.
23. McNabney SM. Obesity, body image dissatisfaction, and sexual dysfunction: a narrative review. Sexes. 2022;3(1):20-39.
24. Lacroix E, Atkinson MJ, Garbett KM, Diedrichs PC. One size does not fit all: trajectories of body image development and their predictors in early adolescence. Development and Psychopathology. 2022;34(1):285-94.
25. Doosalivand H, Tahmasbi N, Ghanbarijolfaei A, Ghahremani S, Pishgahroudsari M. A comparison of maladaptive early schemas and appearance schemas in obese and normal weight control subjects. Koomesh. 2014;16(3):329-37 [Persian].
26. Alaedini Z, Hasannejad S. The effects of self-esteem, self-objectification, and appearance schemas on clothing choice style: examining the structural model. Journal of Applied Psychological Research. 2020;11(3):169-78 [Persian].
27. Cash TF. Cognitive-behavioral perspectives on body image. In Cash, T.F. & Smolak, L. (Eds.), Body Image: A Handbook of Science, Practice, and Prevention. New York: Guilford Press, 2011.
28. Javed J, Khan M. Appearance schemas, self-esteem and academic achievement among university students. Journal of Research & Reviews in Social Sciences Pakistan. 2018;1:117-26.
29. Young TR. The relationship between appearance schemas, self-esteem, and indirect aggression among college women. Oklahoma State University, 2007.
30. Williams-Kerver GA, Crowther JH. Emotion differentiation and disordered eating behaviors: the role of appearance schemas. Eating Behaviors. 2020;37:1-21.
31. Morgan AZ, Keiley MK, Ryan AE, Radomski JG, Gropper SS, Connell LJ, et al. Eating regulation styles, appearance schemas, and body satisfaction predict changes in body fat for emerging adults. Journal of Youth and Adolescence. 2012;41(9):1127-41.
32. Sohrabi F, Pasha R, Naderi F, Askary P, Ehteshamzadeh P. Effectiveness of cognitive- behavioral therapy on body mass index and self-concept perceptions of overweight individuals. Iranian Journal of Nutrition Sciences & Food Technology. 2018;12(4):43-51 [Persian].
33. Mortezaei Shemirani S, Sanaei Zaker B, Tajeri B, Sodagar S, Meschi F. Comparing the effects of acceptance and commitment group therapy and cognitive-behavioral group therapy on life habits, disordered eating behavior, and health-promoting lifestyle in obese women. Journal of Arak University of Medical Sciences. 2020;23(6):944-57 [Persian].
34. Ogata K, Koyama KI, Amitani M, Amitani H, Asakawa A, Inui A. The effectiveness of cognitive behavioral therapy with mindfulness and an internet intervention for obesity: a case series. Frontiers in Nutrition. 2018;5(56):1-5.
35. Cooper Z, Doll HA, Hawker DM, Byrne S, Bonner G, Eeley E, et al. Testing a new cognitive behavioural treatment for obesity: a randomized controlled trial with three-year follow-up. Behaviour Research and Therapy. 2010;48(8):706-13.
36. Beltman MW, Voshaar RC, Speckens AE. Cognitive-behavioural therapy for depression in people with a somatic disease: meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials. The British Journal of Psychiatry. 2010;197(1):11-19.
37. Sartipi Yarahmadi M, Kordestani D, Goodarzi K, Rozbahani M. Comparing the effectiveness of group cognitive-behavioral therapy and mindfullness-based stress reduction therapy on body image, anxiety, and overeating in obese women. Middle Eastern Journal of Disability Studies. 2022;12:26 [Persian].
38. Ghafari Cherati R, Ghanadzadgan H, Fakhri M. The effectiveness of cognitive behavioral therapy on self-control, difficulty in regulating emotion, resilience and psychological flexibility in patients with obsessive-compulsive neurosis. Medical Journal of Mashhad University of Medical Sciences. 2022;65(1):71-85 [Persian].
39. Tangney JP, Boone AL, Baumeister RF. High self-control predicts good adjustment, less pathology, better grades, and interpersonal success. Journal of Personality. 2018;72(2):271-324.
40. Rafiei Honar H, Jan Zaguri M. The relationship between religious orientation and self-control. Journal of Psychology and Religion. 2010;4(42):31-39 [Persian].
41. Aghababaei H, Hossein Khanzadeh AA, Hemati Alamdarloo G, Moradi A, Rezayi Dehnavi S. Prediction of self-control capacity based on various religious orientations and its role in crime prevention. Criminal Law Research. 2011;2(2):19-36 [Persian].
42. Cash TF, Melnyk SE, Hrabosky JI. The assessment of body image investment: an extensive revision of the Appearance Schemas Inventory. International Journal of Eating Disorders. 2004;35(3):305-309.
43. Asadi M, Salehi M, Sadooghi M, Afkham Ebrahimi A. Self-esteem and attitude toward body appearance before and after cosmetic rhinoplasty. Iranian Journal of Psychiatry and Clinical Psychology. 2013;19(1):28-33 [Persian].
44. Eldar S, Esser NM, Hoffman SG, Martz E. Promotion of self-management of chronic conditions. Oxford University Press, 2018.
45. Jacobs RH, Watkins ER, Peters AT, Feldhaus CG, Barba A, Carbray J, et al. Targeting ruminative thinking in adolescents at risk for depressive relapse: rumination-focused cognitive behavior therapy in a pilot randomized controlled trial with resting state fMRI. PLoS One. 2016;11(11):1-17.
46. Fallah Berejestanaki V, Saberi H, Shomali Oskoei A. Comparison of the effectiveness of group reality therapy with group cognitive behavioral therapy on marital satisfaction and self-control of women. Journal of Applied Psychology. 2022;16(3):201-24 [Persian].
47. Izanloo H, Shahhabizadeh F, Hojjat SK, Bahrainian SA. The effectiveness of "Rumination -Focused Cognitive Behavioral Therapy" and "Mindfulness-Based Cognitive Therapy" on impulsivity and hopelessness of depressed teenage girls attempting suicide. The Journal of Health Promotion Management. 2021;10(5):54-70 [Persian].
48. Nateghi M, Sohrabi F. The effectiveness of cognitive-behavioral therapy in suicidal thoughts and impulsivity among adolescents with addiction. Etiad Pajohi. 2017;11(42):213-28 [Persian].
49. Marco JH, Perpiñá C, Botella C. Effectiveness of cognitive behavioral therapy supported by virtual reality in the treatment of body image in eating disorders: one year follow-up. Psychiatry Research. 2013;209(3):619-25.
50. Cassone S, Lewis V, Crisp DA. Enhancing positive body image: an evaluation of a cognitive behavioral therapy intervention and an exploration of the role of body shame. Eating Disorders. 2016;24(5):469-74.
51. Pakandish S, Kraskyan A, Jomehri F. Comparing the effectiveness of schema therapy and cognitive-behavioral therapy on quality of life and body image of obese women. Journal of Excellence in Counseling and Psychotherapy. 2020;9(34):20-32 [Persian].
52. Paulo HA, Mosha D, Mwanyika-Sando M, Mboya IB, Madzorera I, Killewo J, et al. Role of dietary quality and diversity on overweight and obesity among women of reproductive age in Tanzania. PLoS One. 2022;17(4):1-13.
53. Abaj F, Mirzababaei A, Hosseininasab D, Bahrampour N, Clark CC, Mirzaei K. Interactions between Caveolin-1 polymorphism and Plant-based dietary index on metabolic and inflammatory markers among women with obesity. Scientific Reports. 2022;12(1):1-4.
54. Ali N, Mohanto NC, Nurunnabi SM, Haque T, Islam F. Prevalence and risk factors of general and abdominal obesity and hypertension in rural and urban residents in Bangladesh: a cross-sectional study. BioMed Central Public Health. 2022;22(1):1-4.
55. Ali S, Na R, Waterhouse M, Jordan SJ, Olsen CM, Whiteman DC, et al. Predicting obesity and smoking using medication data: a machine‐learning approach. Pharmacoepidemiology and Drug Safety. 2022;31(1):91-99.
56. Hymel E, Vlock E, Fisher KW, Farazi PA. Differential progression of unhealthy diet-induced hepatocellular carcinoma in obese and non-obese mice. Public Library of Science. 2022;17(8):1-18.
57. Legro RS, Hansen KR, Diamond MP, Steiner AZ, Coutifaris C, Cedars MI, et al. Effects of preconception lifestyle intervention in infertile women with obesity: the FIT-PLESE randomized controlled trial. PLoS Medicine. 2022;19(1):1-13.
58. Lin L, Bai S, Qin K, Wong CK, Wu T, Chen D, et al. Comorbid depression and obesity, and its transition on the risk of functional disability among middle-aged and older Chinese: a cohort study. BioMed Central Geriatrics. 2022;22(1):1-10.
59. Triunfo S, Lanzone A. Impact of overweight and obesity on obstetric outcomes. Journal of Endocrinological Investigation. 2014;37(4):323-29.
60. Maskarinec G, Jacobs S, Park SY, Haiman CA, Setiawan VW, Wilkens LR, et al. Type II diabetes, obesity, and breast cancer risk: the multiethnic cohort diabetes, obesity, and breast cancer. Cancer Epidemiology, Biomarkers & Prevention. 2017;26(6):854-61.
61. Habanova M, Holovicova M, Scepankova H, Lorkova M, Gazo J, Gazarova M, et al. Modulation of lipid profile and lipoprotein subfractions in overweight/obese women at risk of cardiovascular diseases through the consumption of apple/berry juice. Antioxidants. 2022;11(11):1-15.
62. Shiraseb F, Asbaghi O, Bagheri R, Wong A, Figueroa A, Mirzaei K. Effect of l-Arginine supplementation on blood pressure in adults: a systematic review and dose-response meta-analysis of randomized clinical trials. Advances in Nutrition. 2022;13(4):1226-42.
63. Palmer MK, Toth PP. Trends in lipids, obesity, metabolic syndrome, and diabetes mellitus in the United States: an NHANES analysis (2003‐2004 to 2013‐2014). Obesity. 2019;27(2):309-14.
64. Cincione IR, Graziadio C, Marino F, Vetrani C, Losavio F, Savastano S, et al. Short-time effects of ketogenic diet or modestly hypocaloric Mediterranean diet on overweight and obese women with polycystic ovary syndrome. Journal of Endocrinological Investigation. 2022;19:1-9.
65. Brook JS, Zhang C, Brook DW, Finch SJ. Voluntary smoking bans at home and in the car and smoking cessation, obesity, and self-control. Psychological Reports. 2014;114(1):20-31.
66. Duckworth AL, Taxer JL, Eskreis-Winkler L, Galla BM, Gross JJ. Self-control and academic achievement. Annual Review of Psychology. 2019;70(1):373-99.
67. Troll ES, Venz L, Weitzenegger F, Loschelder DD. Working from home during the COVID‐19 crisis: how self‐control strategies elucidate employees' job performance. Applied Psychology. 2022;71(3):853-80.
68. Englert C. The self-regulation of human performance: a critical discussion and future directions for self-control research. Performance Enhancement & Health. 2019;6(3-4):156-57.
69. Vermeiren E, Naets T, Van Eyck A, Vervoort L, Ysebaert M, Baeck N, et al. Improving treatment outcome in children with obesity by an online self-control training: a randomized controlled trial. Frontiers in Pediatrics. 2021;9:1-14
70. Eichen DM, Barch DM, Wilfley DE. Executive function in childhood obesity: promising intervention strategies to optimize treatment outcomes. Appetite. 2018;124:10-23.
71. Eichen DM, Matheson BE, Liang J, Strong DR, Rhee K, Boutelle KN. The relationship between executive functioning and weight loss and maintenance in children and parents participating in family-based treatment for childhood obesity. Behaviour Research and Therapy. 2018;105:10-16.
72. Stutzer A, Meier AN. Limited self‐control, obesity, and the loss of happiness. Health Economics. 2016;25(11):1409-24.
73. Privitera GJ, McGrath HK, Windus BA, Doraiswamy PM. Eat now or later: self-control as an overlapping cognitive mechanism of depression and obesity. PLoS One. 2015;10(3):1-11.
74. McNabney SM. Obesity, body image dissatisfaction, and sexual dysfunction: a narrative review. Sexes. 2022;3(1):20-39.
75. Lacroix E, Atkinson MJ, Garbett KM, Diedrichs PC. One size does not fit all: trajectories of body image development and their predictors in early adolescence. Development and Psychopathology. 2022;34(1):285-94.
76. Doosalivand H, Tahmasbi N, Ghanbarijolfaei A, Ghahremani S, Pishgahroudsari M. A comparison of maladaptive early schemas and appearance schemas in obese and normal weight control subjects. Koomesh. 2014;16(3):329-37 [Persian].
77. Alaedini Z, Hasannejad S. The effects of self-esteem, self-objectification, and appearance schemas on clothing choice style: examining the structural model. Journal of Applied Psychological Research. 2020;11(3):169-78 [Persian].
78. Cash TF. Cognitive-behavioral perspectives on body image. In Cash, T.F. & Smolak, L. (Eds.), Body Image: A Handbook of Science, Practice, and Prevention. New York: Guilford Press, 2011.
79. Javed J, Khan M. Appearance schemas, self-esteem and academic achievement among university students. Journal of Research & Reviews in Social Sciences Pakistan. 2018;1:117-26.
80. Young TR. The relationship between appearance schemas, self-esteem, and indirect aggression among college women. Oklahoma State University, 2007.
81. Williams-Kerver GA, Crowther JH. Emotion differentiation and disordered eating behaviors: the role of appearance schemas. Eating Behaviors. 2020;37:1-21.
82. Morgan AZ, Keiley MK, Ryan AE, Radomski JG, Gropper SS, Connell LJ, et al. Eating regulation styles, appearance schemas, and body satisfaction predict changes in body fat for emerging adults. Journal of Youth and Adolescence. 2012;41(9):1127-41.
83. Sohrabi F, Pasha R, Naderi F, Askary P, Ehteshamzadeh P. Effectiveness of cognitive- behavioral therapy on body mass index and self-concept perceptions of overweight individuals. Iranian Journal of Nutrition Sciences & Food Technology. 2018;12(4):43-51 [Persian].
84. Mortezaei Shemirani S, Sanaei Zaker B, Tajeri B, Sodagar S, Meschi F. Comparing the effects of acceptance and commitment group therapy and cognitive-behavioral group therapy on life habits, disordered eating behavior, and health-promoting lifestyle in obese women. Journal of Arak University of Medical Sciences. 2020;23(6):944-57 [Persian].
85. Ogata K, Koyama KI, Amitani M, Amitani H, Asakawa A, Inui A. The effectiveness of cognitive behavioral therapy with mindfulness and an internet intervention for obesity: a case series. Frontiers in Nutrition. 2018;5(56):1-5.
86. Cooper Z, Doll HA, Hawker DM, Byrne S, Bonner G, Eeley E, et al. Testing a new cognitive behavioural treatment for obesity: a randomized controlled trial with three-year follow-up. Behaviour Research and Therapy. 2010;48(8):706-13.
87. Beltman MW, Voshaar RC, Speckens AE. Cognitive-behavioural therapy for depression in people with a somatic disease: meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials. The British Journal of Psychiatry. 2010;197(1):11-19.
88. Sartipi Yarahmadi M, Kordestani D, Goodarzi K, Rozbahani M. Comparing the effectiveness of group cognitive-behavioral therapy and mindfullness-based stress reduction therapy on body image, anxiety, and overeating in obese women. Middle Eastern Journal of Disability Studies. 2022;12:26 [Persian].
89. Ghafari Cherati R, Ghanadzadgan H, Fakhri M. The effectiveness of cognitive behavioral therapy on self-control, difficulty in regulating emotion, resilience and psychological flexibility in patients with obsessive-compulsive neurosis. Medical Journal of Mashhad University of Medical Sciences. 2022;65(1):71-85 [Persian].
90. Tangney JP, Boone AL, Baumeister RF. High self-control predicts good adjustment, less pathology, better grades, and interpersonal success. Journal of Personality. 2018;72(2):271-324.
91. Rafiei Honar H, Jan Zaguri M. The relationship between religious orientation and self-control. Journal of Psychology and Religion. 2010;4(42):31-39 [Persian].
92. Aghababaei H, Hossein Khanzadeh AA, Hemati Alamdarloo G, Moradi A, Rezayi Dehnavi S. Prediction of self-control capacity based on various religious orientations and its role in crime prevention. Criminal Law Research. 2011;2(2):19-36 [Persian].
93. Cash TF, Melnyk SE, Hrabosky JI. The assessment of body image investment: an extensive revision of the Appearance Schemas Inventory. International Journal of Eating Disorders. 2004;35(3):305-309.
94. Asadi M, Salehi M, Sadooghi M, Afkham Ebrahimi A. Self-esteem and attitude toward body appearance before and after cosmetic rhinoplasty. Iranian Journal of Psychiatry and Clinical Psychology. 2013;19(1):28-33 [Persian].
95. Eldar S, Esser NM, Hoffman SG, Martz E. Promotion of self-management of chronic conditions. Oxford University Press, 2018.
96. Jacobs RH, Watkins ER, Peters AT, Feldhaus CG, Barba A, Carbray J, et al. Targeting ruminative thinking in adolescents at risk for depressive relapse: rumination-focused cognitive behavior therapy in a pilot randomized controlled trial with resting state fMRI. PLoS One. 2016;11(11):1-17.
97. Fallah Berejestanaki V, Saberi H, Shomali Oskoei A. Comparison of the effectiveness of group reality therapy with group cognitive behavioral therapy on marital satisfaction and self-control of women. Journal of Applied Psychology. 2022;16(3):201-24 [Persian].
98. Izanloo H, Shahhabizadeh F, Hojjat SK, Bahrainian SA. The effectiveness of "Rumination -Focused Cognitive Behavioral Therapy" and "Mindfulness-Based Cognitive Therapy" on impulsivity and hopelessness of depressed teenage girls attempting suicide. The Journal of Health Promotion Management. 2021;10(5):54-70 [Persian].
99. Nateghi M, Sohrabi F. The effectiveness of cognitive-behavioral therapy in suicidal thoughts and impulsivity among adolescents with addiction. Etiad Pajohi. 2017;11(42):213-28 [Persian].
100. Marco JH, Perpiñá C, Botella C. Effectiveness of cognitive behavioral therapy supported by virtual reality in the treatment of body image in eating disorders: one year follow-up. Psychiatry Research. 2013;209(3):619-25.
101. Cassone S, Lewis V, Crisp DA. Enhancing positive body image: an evaluation of a cognitive behavioral therapy intervention and an exploration of the role of body shame. Eating Disorders. 2016;24(5):469-74.
102. Pakandish S, Kraskyan A, Jomehri F. Comparing the effectiveness of schema therapy and cognitive-behavioral therapy on quality of life and body image of obese women. Journal of Excellence in Counseling and Psychotherapy. 2020;9(34):20-32 [Persian].

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