Volume 25, Issue 4 (winter 2024)                   JHC 2024, 25(4): 400-408 | Back to browse issues page

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Jammeh S, Aghamohammadi M, Dadkhah B, Kheiri R. Comparing the Perspectives of Nurses and Patients on the Nurse-Patient Communication Status in Ardabil Educational Centers. JHC 2024; 25 (4) :400-408
URL: http://hcjournal.arums.ac.ir/article-1-1521-en.html
Department of Medical-Surgical Nursing, School of Nursing and Midwifery, Ardabil University of Medical Sciences, Ardabil, Iran
Abstract:   (434 Views)
Background: Effective communication is one of the most important aspects of nursing, without which it is impossible to perform many nursing duties. The present study aimed to compare the perspectives of nurses and patients on the nurse-patient communication status in the emergency and medical departments of educational-therapeutic centers in Ardabil city.
Methods: The present study is a descriptive and analytical study conducted with the participation of 108 nurses and 390 patients from the emergency and medical departments of educational-therapeutic centers in Ardabil city. The sampling method for nurses was census and for patients, convenient sampling was used. To collect data, the demographic information form and the Vukovic (2010) nurse-patient interaction questionnaire were used. Data were analyzed using SPSS-22 software and independent t-test, paired t-test and Pearson's correlation coefficient.
Results: The mean and standard deviation of the nurse-patient communication score from the patient's perspective was 3.96±0.93 and from the nurses' perspective, it was 3.74±0.69. There was a significant difference between the mean nurse-patient communications scores from the nurse and patient perspectives (p<0.05). Furthermore, a significant correlation was observed between the patients’ educational level (p<0.001) and nurse gender (p=0.04) and nurse-patient communication status.
Conclusion: According to the results, the nurse-patient communication was in a better state from the patient's perspective in comparison to the nurses’ perspective. However, it is recommended to carry out precise management and organizational interventions and prepare the necessary conditions to improve the therapeutic communication process.

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Type of Study: descriptive | Subject: nursing
Received: 2023/12/13 | Accepted: 2024/01/30 | Published: 2024/01/30

1. Nasiriani K, Eslami MH, Dehghani A, Dehghani H. Patient satisfaction of communication in emergency department in hospital. Avicenna Journal of Nursing and Midwifery Care. 2007;15(2):23-33 [persian].
2. Moghaddasian S, Abdollah-Zadeh F, Rahmani A, Salehain M, Firouzian A. Nurse-patient communication and its relation to satisfaction with nursing services in view point of cancer patients hospitalized in Shahid Ghazi hospital, Tabriz. Journal of North Khorasan University of Medical Sciences. 2013;5(2):459-67. [DOI:10.29252/jnkums.5.2.459]
3. Gholjeh M, Dastoorpour M, Ghasemi A. The relationship between nursing care quality and patients satisfaction among hospitals affiliated to Zahedan University of Medical Sciences in 2014. Jorjani Biomedicine Journal. 2015;3(1):68-81 [persian].
4. Tahery N, Feraidoonimoghadam M, Cheraghian B, Khazni S. Patient satisfaction of emergency medical services in Abadan and Khorramshahr hosptals, 2009. Nursing and Midwifery Journal. 2010;8(4):204-11 [persian].
5. Omidvari S, Shahidzadeh A, Montazeri A, Azin SA, Harirchi AM, Soori H, et al. Patient satisfaction with emergency departments. Payesh. 2008;7(2):141-52 [persian].
6. Messina G, Vencia F, Mecheroni S, Dionisi S, Baragatti L, Nante N. Factors affecting patient satisfaction with emergency department care: an Italian rural hospital global. Journal of Health Science. 2015;7(4):30-39. [DOI:10.5539/gjhs.v7n4p30] [PMID] []
7. Lotfi Y, Bahadori A, Sadighi A, Fazlizadeh S, Hajizade M, Zehtabiyan Y. Comparison of knowledge, attitude and function of nurses with nursing students about Hospital-Acquired Infection (HAI) control in Sarab's Imam Khomeini Medical Education Center at 2020. Journal of Health and Care. 2022;24(1):17-27 [persian]. [DOI:10.52547/jhc.24.1.17]
8. Febres-Ramos R, Mercado-Rey M. Patient satisfaction and quality of care of the internal medicine service of Hospital Daniel Alcides Carrión. Huancayo-Perú. Revista de La Facultad de Medicina Humana. 2020;20(3):397-403. [DOI:10.25176/RFMH.v20i3.3123]
9. Sangestani G, Fallahinia G, Jafarian N. A survey on nurses-patients communication in emergencies wards. Avicenna Journal of Nursing and Midwifery Care. 2008;16(1):40-50 [persian].
10. Carretta E, Trevor GB, Cappiello G, Fantini MP. Looking through the patients' eyes: measuring patient satisfaction in a public hospital. Journal of Patient Experience. 2017;4(3):121-28. [DOI:10.1177/2374373517706614] [PMID] []
11. Jiyeon L, Jung KS. Factors influencing nurses' intention to care for patients with emerging infectious diseases: application of the theory of planned behavior. Nursing & Health Sciences. 2020;22(1):82-90. [DOI:10.1111/nhs.12652] [PMID]
12. Dithole KS, Thupayagale G, Moleki M. Communication skills intervention: promoting effective communication between nurses and mechanically ventilated patients. BMC Nursing. 2017;16(74):2-6. [DOI:10.1186/s12912-017-0268-5] [PMID] []
13. Al-Kalaldeh M, Amro N, Qtait M, Alwawi A. Barriers to effective nurse-patient communication in the emergency department. Emergency Nurse. 2023;31(5):29-35. [DOI:10.7748/en.2020.e1969] [PMID]
14. Chegini Z, Janati A, Babaie J, Pouraghaei M. Exploring the barriers to patient engagement in the delivery of safe care in Iranian hospitals: a qualitative study. Nursing Open. 2020;7(1):457-65. [DOI:10.1002/nop2.411] [PMID] []
15. Hyun-Jung L, Bom-Mi P, Mi-Jin S, Do-Yeon K, editors. Therapeutic communication experiences of nurses caring for patients with hematology. Healthcare. 2022;10(12):2403. [DOI:10.3390/healthcare10122403] [PMID] []
16. Sadeghian E, Nooreddini A, Khodaveisi M. Barrier and facilitators of communication between nurses and chronic patients: a qualitative content analysis study. Journal of Nursing Education. 2023;12(3):22-31.
17. Shahbazi s, Moradi R, Mirzaii H, Rezaei Z. Investigating the effective factors on patient communication from the viewpoint of nursing students in Isfahan teaching hospitals. Zanko Journal of Medical Sciences. 2023;23(79):1-14.
18. Vuković M, Gvozdenović BS, Stamatović-Gajić B, Ilić M, Gajić T. Development and evaluation of the nurse quality of communication with patient questionnaire. Srpski Arhiv Za Celokupno Lekarstvo. 2010;138(1-2):79-84. [DOI:10.2298/SARH1002079V] [PMID]
19. Rostami H, Golchin M, Mirzaei A. Evaluation of communication skills of nurses from hospitalized patients' perspective. Nursing and Midwifery Journal. 2012;10(1):27-34 [persian].
20. Lotfi M, Zamanzadeh V, Valizadeh L, Khajehgoodari M. Assessment of nurse-patient communication and patient satisfaction from nursing care. Nursing Open. 2019;6(3):1189-96. [DOI:10.1002/nop2.316] [PMID] []
21. Daryazadeh S, Yavari M, Taghavi A, Sharif M, Kheirkhah D, Azadchehr M, et al. Investigating professional communication from the point of view of assistants and nurses of Shahid Beheshti Hospital in Kashan. Education and Ethics in Nursing. 2020;9(3-4):47-56 [persian]. [DOI:10.52547/ethicnurs.]
22. Kashani F, Moghimian M, Salarvand S, Kashani P. Nurses' knowledge, attitude, practice about effective communication skills in patient education. Journal of Research Development in Nursing and Midwifery. 2015;12(2):59-67 [persian].
23. Norouzinia R, Aghabarari M, Shiri M, Karimi M, Samami E. Communication barriers perceived by nurses and patients. Global Journal of Health Science. 2016;8(6):65. [DOI:10.5539/gjhs.v8n6p65] [PMID] []
24. Katebi MS, Ghalenoei M, Zalbeiki S, Barzegari Esfeden Z. Quality of patient care from the viewpoint of nurses and patients in the teaching hospitals of Shohadah Qaen. Journal of Sabzevar University of Medical Sciences. 2021;28(3):339-46.
25. Bagheri H, Taghva F, Sadeh M, Shahbeygi N, Ghaderi f, Mohammad Gholi Mezerji n, et al. Viewpoint of nurses and patients about inherent dignity of patients. Scientific Journal of Nursing, Midwifery and Paramedical Faculty. 2018;4(2):50-58.
26. Fite RO, Assefa M, Demissie A, Belachew T. Predictors of therapeutic communication between nurses and hospitalized patients. Heliyon. 2019;5(10):e02665. [DOI:10.1016/j.heliyon.2019.e02665] [PMID] []
27. Turki B, Faroughi F, Azizi A, Taghizadeh Firozjaie IJE. Investigating the level of awareness and the observation the charter of patient rights from the perspective of patients and nurses in Iran: a systematic review. Ebnesina. 2022;24(4):79-88.
28. Amoah VMK, Anokye R, Boakye DS, Acheampong E, Budu-Ainooson A, Okyere E, et al. A qualitative assessment of perceived barriers to effective therapeutic communication among nurses and patients. BMC Nursing. 2019;18:1-8. [DOI:10.1186/s12912-019-0328-0] [PMID] []
29. Jebali B, Ghazanjani E. Assessing nurse's viewpoint affiliated to Dr Masih Daneshvari Hospital in Tehran about effective factors in communication between nurses and patients. Education & Ethics in Nursing. 2015;3(3):47-53 [persian].
30. Pardanjani SB, Shariati AA, Alijani H, Mousavi BSM. Assessing barriers of nurse-patient's effective communication in educational hospitals of Ahwaz. Iranian Journal of Nursing Research. 2010;5(16):45-52 [persian].
31. Anoosheh M, Zarkhah S, Faghihzadeh s, Vaismoradi M. Nurse-patient communication barriers in Iranian nursing. International Nursing Review. 2009;56(2):243-49. [DOI:10.1111/j.1466-7657.2008.00697.x] [PMID]
32. Aghabarari M, Mohammadi I, Varvani-Farahani A. Barriers to applying communication skills of nurses in interaction with patients from the perspective of nurses and patients. Iranian Nursing Journal. 2009;22(61):19-31 [persian].
33. Nasiriani K, Eslami MH, Dehghani A, Dehghani H. Patient satisfaction of communication in emergency department in hospital. Avicenna Journal of Nursing and Midwifery Care. 2007;15(2):23-33 [persian].
34. Moghaddasian S, Abdollah-Zadeh F, Rahmani A, Salehain M, Firouzian A. Nurse-patient communication and its relation to satisfaction with nursing services in view point of cancer patients hospitalized in Shahid Ghazi hospital, Tabriz. Journal of North Khorasan University of Medical Sciences. 2013;5(2):459-67. [DOI:10.29252/jnkums.5.2.459]
35. Gholjeh M, Dastoorpour M, Ghasemi A. The relationship between nursing care quality and patients satisfaction among hospitals affiliated to Zahedan University of Medical Sciences in 2014. Jorjani Biomedicine Journal. 2015;3(1):68-81 [persian].
36. Tahery N, Feraidoonimoghadam M, Cheraghian B, Khazni S. Patient satisfaction of emergency medical services in Abadan and Khorramshahr hosptals, 2009. Nursing and Midwifery Journal. 2010;8(4):204-11 [persian].
37. Omidvari S, Shahidzadeh A, Montazeri A, Azin SA, Harirchi AM, Soori H, et al. Patient satisfaction with emergency departments. Payesh. 2008;7(2):141-52 [persian].
38. Messina G, Vencia F, Mecheroni S, Dionisi S, Baragatti L, Nante N. Factors affecting patient satisfaction with emergency department care: an Italian rural hospital global. Journal of Health Science. 2015;7(4):30-39. [DOI:10.5539/gjhs.v7n4p30] [PMID] []
39. Lotfi Y, Bahadori A, Sadighi A, Fazlizadeh S, Hajizade M, Zehtabiyan Y. Comparison of knowledge, attitude and function of nurses with nursing students about Hospital-Acquired Infection (HAI) control in Sarab's Imam Khomeini Medical Education Center at 2020. Journal of Health and Care. 2022;24(1):17-27 [persian]. [DOI:10.52547/jhc.24.1.17]
40. Febres-Ramos R, Mercado-Rey M. Patient satisfaction and quality of care of the internal medicine service of Hospital Daniel Alcides Carrión. Huancayo-Perú. Revista de La Facultad de Medicina Humana. 2020;20(3):397-403. [DOI:10.25176/RFMH.v20i3.3123]
41. Sangestani G, Fallahinia G, Jafarian N. A survey on nurses-patients communication in emergencies wards. Avicenna Journal of Nursing and Midwifery Care. 2008;16(1):40-50 [persian].
42. Carretta E, Trevor GB, Cappiello G, Fantini MP. Looking through the patients' eyes: measuring patient satisfaction in a public hospital. Journal of Patient Experience. 2017;4(3):121-28. [DOI:10.1177/2374373517706614] [PMID] []
43. Jiyeon L, Jung KS. Factors influencing nurses' intention to care for patients with emerging infectious diseases: application of the theory of planned behavior. Nursing & Health Sciences. 2020;22(1):82-90. [DOI:10.1111/nhs.12652] [PMID]
44. Dithole KS, Thupayagale G, Moleki M. Communication skills intervention: promoting effective communication between nurses and mechanically ventilated patients. BMC Nursing. 2017;16(74):2-6. [DOI:10.1186/s12912-017-0268-5] [PMID] []
45. Al-Kalaldeh M, Amro N, Qtait M, Alwawi A. Barriers to effective nurse-patient communication in the emergency department. Emergency Nurse. 2023;31(5):29-35. [DOI:10.7748/en.2020.e1969] [PMID]
46. Chegini Z, Janati A, Babaie J, Pouraghaei M. Exploring the barriers to patient engagement in the delivery of safe care in Iranian hospitals: a qualitative study. Nursing Open. 2020;7(1):457-65. [DOI:10.1002/nop2.411] [PMID] []
47. Hyun-Jung L, Bom-Mi P, Mi-Jin S, Do-Yeon K, editors. Therapeutic communication experiences of nurses caring for patients with hematology. Healthcare. 2022;10(12):2403. [DOI:10.3390/healthcare10122403] [PMID] []
48. Sadeghian E, Nooreddini A, Khodaveisi M. Barrier and facilitators of communication between nurses and chronic patients: a qualitative content analysis study. Journal of Nursing Education. 2023;12(3):22-31.
49. Shahbazi s, Moradi R, Mirzaii H, Rezaei Z. Investigating the effective factors on patient communication from the viewpoint of nursing students in Isfahan teaching hospitals. Zanko Journal of Medical Sciences. 2023;23(79):1-14.
50. Vuković M, Gvozdenović BS, Stamatović-Gajić B, Ilić M, Gajić T. Development and evaluation of the nurse quality of communication with patient questionnaire. Srpski Arhiv Za Celokupno Lekarstvo. 2010;138(1-2):79-84. [DOI:10.2298/SARH1002079V] [PMID]
51. Rostami H, Golchin M, Mirzaei A. Evaluation of communication skills of nurses from hospitalized patients' perspective. Nursing and Midwifery Journal. 2012;10(1):27-34 [persian].
52. Lotfi M, Zamanzadeh V, Valizadeh L, Khajehgoodari M. Assessment of nurse-patient communication and patient satisfaction from nursing care. Nursing Open. 2019;6(3):1189-96. [DOI:10.1002/nop2.316] [PMID] []
53. Daryazadeh S, Yavari M, Taghavi A, Sharif M, Kheirkhah D, Azadchehr M, et al. Investigating professional communication from the point of view of assistants and nurses of Shahid Beheshti Hospital in Kashan. Education and Ethics in Nursing. 2020;9(3-4):47-56 [persian]. [DOI:10.52547/ethicnurs.]
54. Kashani F, Moghimian M, Salarvand S, Kashani P. Nurses' knowledge, attitude, practice about effective communication skills in patient education. Journal of Research Development in Nursing and Midwifery. 2015;12(2):59-67 [persian].
55. Norouzinia R, Aghabarari M, Shiri M, Karimi M, Samami E. Communication barriers perceived by nurses and patients. Global Journal of Health Science. 2016;8(6):65. [DOI:10.5539/gjhs.v8n6p65] [PMID] []
56. Katebi MS, Ghalenoei M, Zalbeiki S, Barzegari Esfeden Z. Quality of patient care from the viewpoint of nurses and patients in the teaching hospitals of Shohadah Qaen. Journal of Sabzevar University of Medical Sciences. 2021;28(3):339-46.
57. Bagheri H, Taghva F, Sadeh M, Shahbeygi N, Ghaderi f, Mohammad Gholi Mezerji n, et al. Viewpoint of nurses and patients about inherent dignity of patients. Scientific Journal of Nursing, Midwifery and Paramedical Faculty. 2018;4(2):50-58.
58. Fite RO, Assefa M, Demissie A, Belachew T. Predictors of therapeutic communication between nurses and hospitalized patients. Heliyon. 2019;5(10):e02665. [DOI:10.1016/j.heliyon.2019.e02665] [PMID] []
59. Turki B, Faroughi F, Azizi A, Taghizadeh Firozjaie IJE. Investigating the level of awareness and the observation the charter of patient rights from the perspective of patients and nurses in Iran: a systematic review. Ebnesina. 2022;24(4):79-88.
60. Amoah VMK, Anokye R, Boakye DS, Acheampong E, Budu-Ainooson A, Okyere E, et al. A qualitative assessment of perceived barriers to effective therapeutic communication among nurses and patients. BMC Nursing. 2019;18:1-8. [DOI:10.1186/s12912-019-0328-0] [PMID] []
61. Jebali B, Ghazanjani E. Assessing nurse's viewpoint affiliated to Dr Masih Daneshvari Hospital in Tehran about effective factors in communication between nurses and patients. Education & Ethics in Nursing. 2015;3(3):47-53 [persian].
62. Pardanjani SB, Shariati AA, Alijani H, Mousavi BSM. Assessing barriers of nurse-patient's effective communication in educational hospitals of Ahwaz. Iranian Journal of Nursing Research. 2010;5(16):45-52 [persian].
63. Anoosheh M, Zarkhah S, Faghihzadeh s, Vaismoradi M. Nurse-patient communication barriers in Iranian nursing. International Nursing Review. 2009;56(2):243-49. [DOI:10.1111/j.1466-7657.2008.00697.x] [PMID]
64. Aghabarari M, Mohammadi I, Varvani-Farahani A. Barriers to applying communication skills of nurses in interaction with patients from the perspective of nurses and patients. Iranian Nursing Journal. 2009;22(61):19-31 [persian].

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