Volume 17, Issue 3 (autum 2015)                   JHC 2015, 17(3): 240-247 | Back to browse issues page

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Haji A, Mahmoud Fakhe H. Relationship of Social Support and Self-Management with Quality of Life in Patients with Epilepsy. JHC 2015; 17 (3) :240-247
URL: http://hcjournal.arums.ac.ir/article-1-379-en.html
Member of young Researchers and Elite Club, Department of Psychology, School of Literature and Humanities, Islamic Azad University Mahabad branch, Mahabad, Iran
Abstract:   (5487 Views)

Background & objective: Epilepsy is a chronic neurologic condition that includes a group of disorders characterized by recurrent seizures and neurobiological, psychosocial and psychological consequences for people who suffer from it.�Generally patients with epilepsy do not receive enough social support in the community. In addition, information is the basic requirement for patients who suffer from epilepsy but they have a moderate to weak information about the disease. The purpose of this study was to investigate the relationship between social support and self-management with quality of life in patients with epilepsy

Methods: A descriptive-correlational design was used to conduct the study. Through the convenience sampling method 60 patients with epilepsy admitted to the neurology unit of Alavi hospital affiliated to Ardabil University of Medical Sciences were involved in the study during 2014. Data were collected by administering the Social Support Scale, Epilepsy Self-Management Scale and Epilepsy Quality of Life Scale. Data were analyzed using Pearson&rsquos correlation coefficient and multivariate regression analysis in SPSS v.20.

Results: The results showed that social support and self-management have significant positive correlation with quality of life (p=0.002).This means that by increasing social support and improving self-management education to patients, their quality of life can be enhanced. Regression analysis showed that %18.5 of variance in quality of life was determinated by friends support.

Conclusion: According to the results, the need for correct and proper support from the community and the family is essential and also self-care strategies should be taught to patient to be able to live in the community with higher quality of life.

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Type of Study: correlation design |
Received: 2015/06/10 | Accepted: 2015/11/21 | Published: 2015/12/22

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