Volume 13, Issue 1 (4-2011)                   JHC 2011, 13(1): 0-0 | Back to browse issues page

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Hojati H, Sharif-Nia S, Hossein-ali Pur S, Nik-Khah F, Asayesh H. The Effect of Reminiscence Groups on Loneliness and the Need for Belonging in Elders. JHC 2011; 13 (1)
URL: http://hcjournal.arums.ac.ir/article-1-85-en.html
Abstract:   (5931 Views)


Background:Since the phenomenon of aging lead to changes in physiological, psychological and social being of the elderly, their performance may weaken and predispose them to disorders such as depression and loneliness.This study aimed to assess the impact of reminiscence groups on the loneliness and the need for belonging in elders in Sari.

Methods:This study is an experimental study, from elderly people referred to the Elderly Daily Centre in Sari 32 were chosen with available method and were randomly divided into control (16 persons) and intervention group (16 persons). Data was collected using loneliness questionnaire, the need to belonging scale and a brief mental state examination and was analyzed using descriptive statistics and paired and independent t-tests.

Results:After intervention, reminiscence group paired t-test showed that the mean recovery of loneliness (p= 0.01) and the need for sense of belonging is statistically significant.  While in the control group there was not a significant difference between the means before and after intervention. In addition, after intervention, comparison of the scores of feeling lonely and the need for sense of belonging in the two test groups showed statistical significant (p=0.01). Before the reminiscence group significant difference between intervention and control groups did not exist.

Conclusions:Considering the positive effects of reminiscence on the decrease of feeling of loneliness and the increase of sense of belonging in the elderly, this easy and effective technique, which has been neglected, can be applied in all elderly care centers or homes.

Key words:Reminiscence, Sense of Loneliness, Sense of Belonging, Elders

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Type of Study: article | Subject: nursing
Received: 2014/05/23 | Accepted: 2014/05/23 | Published: 2014/05/23

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