Volume 20, Issue 3 (Autumn 2018)                   JHC 2018, 20(3): 196-206 | Back to browse issues page

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Haghi S, Para yekta Z. The Effect of Resilience Training on Anxiety of Patients with Deformity due to Burning Injuries. JHC 2018; 20 (3) :196-206
URL: http://hcjournal.arums.ac.ir/article-1-867-en.html
Department of Medical-Surgical Nursing, School of Nursing and Midwifery, Islamic Azad University of Tehran Branch, Tehran, Iran
Abstract:   (3199 Views)
Backgrounds & aim: One of the injurious and painful incidents occurring in a person's' life is burning. Problems and scars may remain until the end of a person's life, and the patient has to scrimmage with it. Burning deformity causes anxiety in the patients. The purpose of the current study was to determine the effect of resilience training on anxiety among patients suffering from post-burn deformity.
Methods: This research was a quasi-experimental with pretest-posttest design and control group. For this purpose, 60 patients were selected from patients referred to the "disaster and burning accidents" clinic of Velayat hospital, Rasht from December 2016 to May 2017. 30 subjects were assigned to the experimental group and 30 into the control group by randomized sampling. The instruments were Conner & Davidson Resiliency and Spielberger anxiety questionnaires completed in both groups before and immediately after the intervention. In this study, resilience education was conducted in the intervention group as 8 sessions of 90 minutes and once a week at Velayat Hospital of Rasht. Data were analyzed by SPSS software version 23 using descriptive and inferential statistics.
Results: The mean scores of resiliency and anxiety after intervention were 80.23±7.02 and 25.40±4.23 in the study group, 48.50±4.73 and 63.66±11.58 in the control group, respectively. The result showed that there were significant differences in resiliency (F=168.10, p˂0.01) and anxiety (F=6.908, p˂0.01) of patients in two experimental and control groups.
Conclusion: Resilience training sessions have been effective in reducing the symptoms of anxiety among patients suffering from burn deformity, so it can be recommended as a therapeutic method in the treatment of anxiety.
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Type of Study: quasi-experimental |
Received: 2018/01/5 | Accepted: 2018/06/26 | Published: 2018/09/22

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